Saturday, October 15, 2005

Lake Erie Perchin'

Perchin at Port Dover was a disaster - only got 2. There were a few other boats out and they weren't doing any better. Should have went to Long Point Bay. By noon I had enough of not catching anything and motored over to Hydro (Naticoke outflow area) and caught a bass or a sheephead pretty much every cast. A lot of the Bass were 3.5 lbs like this guy.

Stopped in at Don Hyde Marine on the way home to pick up a part and met a fishboarder in person for the first time. Good chatting with you Steve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Duane ! Who did you go with? What's a "fish boarder"?

3:16 PM  
Blogger Jacob said...

Fished alone today (last minute decision to go - Leigh was babysitting a bunch of kids and I wanted out of the house!). Fishboarders: Guys I communicate with about fishing using the various websites dedicated to local fishing.

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was confused too. I thought it was like kneeboarding but with a big fish instead...

9:07 AM  
Blogger Jacob said...

Good one Dave. You have quite the creative imagination. :)

7:12 PM  

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