Light infrequent posts when something strikes me as worth writing about
(BTW I hate writing. But posting fishing reports is kinda fun!)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Baby Chinook Salmon
Here's an incredible picture from the Ringwood Fish Hatchery. They are Chinook Salmon eggs hatching. They will be stocked into Lake Ontario's rivers and creeks over the next few weeks and in 4 years they will grow to be 30lbs!! If you look closely, you can see the eyes inside of the eggs. Very cool!
Sarah's birthday is coming up on Tuesday. Today we had a small party for her. Here's the cake Leigh made for her. It's the car from that Disney movie called Cars.
Went for a family hike along Bronte creek a couple of weeks ago. There were a ton of dead Salmon - even saw a couple of live ones. I'll spare you all the pictures of those. Here's a nice picture of me and my kids.
Jacob is my middle name. Jacob's Dream is both the name of this blog and the name of my boat.
I don't consider myself a blogger. However, I wanted a means of recording my fishing trips for friends and family to view. It also serves as a record keeper which may help me catch more fish in the future.
I will also occasionally post topics unrelated to fishing but generally I try to keep my posts to light hearted topics as I don't have the time to engage in debate via the comments section.
Thanks for visiting Jacob's Dream and be sure to leave a comment!